Applications open for the next round of NCS Lighthouses


28 June, 2022




To elevate the successful human, environmental, and climate stories behind NCS around the globe, the Natural Climate Solutions Alliance (NCSA) invites you to submit your project or program to become an NCS Lighthouse. Joining the community of NCS Lighthouses offers projects and programs the opportunity for promotion of environmental and social stories on key platforms and further learning in this fast developing field.

In May 2022, the NCSA was delighted to launch the first ever six NCS Lighthouses, highlighting the many different types of NCS that exist and the impacts they have across different geographies.

Now, in the run up to high level climate events later this year, the call for proposals has opened for the next round. The NCSA plans to promote another 5 to 6 projects and programs, of which two are specified to originate from Africa and the rest can be of global origin. The ambition is to showcase that NCS are more than just carbon, highlighting the tangible net positive social and environmental benefits that are the foundation of this approach.

How to apply

All projects and programs are welcome to complete this application form, adding the email of a contact person. Please complete all information and if appropriate, provide links to relevant websites, documents, or other materials, and send the form to no later than the  8 July, 2022.

For more information on the process and context, please read the full call for proposals.

If you have any questions on completing this application, please contact Daisy Hessenberger, Associate at the NCS Alliance.