Targeting investors and analysts

13 December, 2022Type
PublicationThe World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) together with SRI Connect has released the third in a series of investor relations guidance tear sheets, providing insights on different investor types and approaches, their interest in sustainability and how to prioritize and develop engagement.
This tear sheet highlights how investor relations teams can and should target investors and analysts. The guidance outlines how to quickly grade investor interest in sustainability and focus on key firms and actors. This complements other tear sheets that provide insights on organizing investor roadshows and capital market days and how to prepare key messages and data for investors.
The guidance was prepared in collaboration with SRI Connect’s Sustainable IR and with support from members of WBCSD’s CFO Network.
The CFO Network brings together 60 CFOs from across all sectors and geographies – together representing over USD 1.5 trillion in combined revenue and over 3 million employees. Under its Capital Market Engagement workstream, members of the CFO Network are working together to develop sustainable investor relations best practices and guidance and pioneer thought leadership into sustainable business valuation. Shell, a member of the CFO Network, provided a case study on their 10-year experience with investor engagement around sustainability.