30 December, 2017Type
PublicationThis study has been commissioned by SEV Business Council for Sustainable Development and conducted by the Climate Change and Sustainability Services practice of Ernst & Young in Greece.
The survey was developed and conducted with a view to identify the current status in Greece with regard to the level of awareness, readiness and willingness of Greek companies towards integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into business strategy. It also explores potential barriers that companies may face in the strategic integration process of the goals and offers potential solutions to overcome these challenges.
About the SEV Business Council for Sustainable Development
The SEV Business Council for Sustainable Development (SEV BCSD), was founded in 2008 by members of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV), aiming to be the powerful and dynamic leverage of enterprises who are willing and able to play a leading role in the promotion of sustainable development in the Greek business environment.
The objectives of SEV BCSD are:
- the participation in the public debate as a business community representative on Sustainable Development issues,
- the integrated promotion of Sustainable Development issues within the business world, the exchange of knowledge and experiences and the emergence of best practices,
- the emergence of the role that the private sector can play towards Sustainable Development.
Sustainable development and the role of businesses
As SEV BCSD, we believe that businesses are the most creative cells of modern societies and can play a key role in the transition to social models based on the principles of Sustainable Development. In particular, for our country the development of a business environment that provides investment opportunities for growth and innovation is becoming increasingly urgent, whilst safeguarding environmental protection and social welfare.
International Partnerships
The SEV BCSD is a member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), and represents the international interlocutor, on behalf of enterprises for sustainable development issues at global level.