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Global Circularity Protocol (GCP)
The Global Circularity Protocol for Business (GCP) is a voluntary framework that aims to address key accountability and policy gaps currently impeding the scaling of circularity globally.


Rethinking resource use for a sustainable future 

The extraction and processing of materials are major contributors to global environmental issues, responsible for over 55% of greenhouse gas emissions and 40% of health impacts related to particulate matter. Biomass extraction, in particular, accounts for more than 90% of biodiversity loss and water stress due to land use. With resource extraction projected to increase by nearly 60% by 2060, potentially reaching 160 billion tonnes annually, the current path is unsustainable and far exceeds the levels needed to meet essential human needs in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To tackle this critical issue, it is essential to integrate circular economy practices into business models and value chains. These practices can catalyze systemic change, foster sustainable resource management, and promote collaboration for a healthier planet. 


business case

The opportunity 

Businesses recognize the vast potential of adopting circular economy practices, but they face significant hurdles in measuring and reporting their circularity efforts. The lack of standardized metrics and frameworks makes it challenging to set targets, benchmark progress, and comply with a regulatory landscape that is still developing. Inconsistent requirements across different regions further complicate the implementation of circular strategies. To overcome these challenges, there is an urgent need to realign legal frameworks and international standards, which currently favor a linear economy. Establishing comparable global frameworks will enable cross-sector and cross-value chain collaboration, facilitate capital allocation, and support the development of policies that drive the transition to a circular economy. 


The Global Circularity Protocol for Business 

The Global Circularity Protocol for Business (GCP) aims to be the go-to action framework to guide companies in target-setting, measuring, reporting and disclosing progress on resource efficiency and circularity, combined with comprehensive and targeted policy guidance in order to accelerate the shift towards circular business models and a regenerative economy. The GCP aims to cover resource flows both in the techno sphere and the bio sphere. WBCSD and the One Planet Network (OPN), hosted by the Nations Environment Programme United (UNEP), have collaboratively embarked on developing the Global Circularity Protocol. This partnership leverages their combined expertise and networks to craft a truly global framework that builds on existing initiatives, avoids duplication, and aligns efforts. 

Broad support and stakeholder engagement

The Global Circularity Protocol (GCP) for Business is a new global initiative spearheaded by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), in collaboration with The One Planet network (OPN). By 2026, the Global Circularity Protocol for Business will be the go-to action framework to guide companies in target-setting, measuring, reporting and disclosing progress on resource efficiency and circularity, combined with comprehensive and targeted policy guidance to accelerate the shift toward circular business models and a regenerative economy. The GCP will cover resource flows in both the techno-sphere and the bio-sphere.


The approach

  • Workstream 1: Impact analysis; to estimate the impact on Climate, Nature and Social indicators and lay the basis for the design of the GCP and further finetune other workstreams
  • Workstream 2: Development of a comprehensive corporate performance and accountability system (CPAS) for Circularity; to foster harmonized circularity methodologies and accounting metrics for reporting and disclosure, enabling comparison between businesses
  • Workstream 3: Development of a policy framework for circularity; to support policy makers in creating the right incentives and establish a level playing field for businesses
  • Workstream 4: Development of Science-based targets for circularity; building on CPAS, define measurable and time bound targets and in collaboration with key scientific partners such as the International Resource Panel


The Global Circularity Protocol for Business aims to be the result of a collaborative process to assure scalability and completeness. For this reason the following Governance structure has been created.


As illustrated in the image, the governance structure comprises the following bodies:


Exco : the Executive Committee is composed by the convenors of the GCP. It  is the decision-making body of the Protocol, ultimately represented by CEO WBCSD and UNEP LD.


Coordination Group: A coordination group is convened by WBCSD and UNEP/OPN on a regular basis to provide strategic advice to the Exco on the process of development of the Protocol.

Advisory Committees: The Advisory Committees report to the Exco and provide technical and strategic guidance on the development of the GCP including at the Coordination Group.


  • Business Advisory Committee (BAC) 
  • Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) 
  • Independent Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC) 
    Among ISAC functions is the submission of an independent evaluation report to the Exco and to the Coordination Group at major GCP version releases 

Furthermore, the work will be developed by the Technical Working Group, whose members provide technical guidance on the development of the GCP. Its products are presented to the Advisory Committees for review.


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Filipe Camaño Garcia

Manager, Global Circularity Protocol

Gavin Whitmore

Senior manager, Strategic Communications for Pathways

Silvia Panizzutti

Associate, Global Circularity Protocol

Zara Parian

Associate, Strategic Communications Partner