

Business is leading the transition to a low-carbon economy.

WBCSD is harnessing the power of collaboration to implement solutions at scale. Businesses can go further and faster when we work together.

A core component of our Climate Policy activities is to foster strong policy signals and economic incentives promoting a race-to-the-top where sustainable solutions can succeed. We actively call for policies that are consistent with ambitious action on climate and enable business-led solutions to scale and speed implementation of the Paris Agreement.

The challenge


Business has the capability and responsibility to develop and champion solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Many of these solutions could be scaled up if the right regulatory frameworks were in place. The challenge lies in obtaining clear, consistent policies and economic incentives to enable action and investments by business into a low-carbon future.

The business case


We successfully help create clear and consistent climate policy across industries and geographies through dialogue between business and policy-makers and global collaboration among business leaders.

Collaboration at this scale is necessary to ensure inclusive action and ambition at a global level.

The business solution


Climate Policy Working Group members meet regularly to shape key messages, share insights and plan for events to bring the voice of business.

Topical issues today include Paris Agreement implementation and ambition, carbon pricing and Science-Based Targets (SBTs).

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Let's transform

Karl Vella

Director, Climate Policy