11 November, 2017Type
PublicationLCTPi is a unique, action-oriented program that brings together companies and partners to accelerate the development and deployment of low-carbon technology solutions to stay below the 2°C ceiling.
LCTPi was launched at COP21 in Paris as CEOs publicly expressed support for LCTPi ambitions and mobilized their companies to implement inspiring sector-specific climate action plans.
A PwC impact analysis conducted earlier in 2015 determined that LCTPi ambition in aggregate equates to 65% of the emissions reductions necessary for remaining on a 2°C pathway, while channeling USD $5-10 trillion toward low-carbon sectors. Such a large investment, as well as the jobs such an investment could create, would have a global impact. As such, LCTPi will be of particular benefit to developing markets and will contribute to delivering on many of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Now, two years since Paris, companies remain committed to urgent climate action, and LCTPi is continuing to inspire companies to take action. As of October 2017, 100 companies have made 113 public endorsements of LCTPi1, a 10% increase in the level of endorsement since the last LCTPi Progress Report was published in November 2016. Since the start, more than 185 companies have been part of LCTPi.
The world needs more businesses to implement ambitious climate action programs. LCTPi is exploring ways to expand its reach through coalitions such as We Mean Business, company supply chains and targeted engagements around the world. This enables LCTPi to have impact beyond its members, spreading industry best practice to regions that are less involved in global discussions, and to companies who do not have access to the most advanced work on climate action for their sectors or value chains.