26 June, 2019Type
PublicationFrom 2016 to 2018, many large commercial and industrial customers in India made their initial experiences with procurement of renewable power. Now, the Indian corporate PPA market is ready to move into the second phase of growth, where more companies are starting to procure renewable energy and companies with good initial experiences are scaling up procurement.
The goal of this paper is to inform corporate buyers and companies from the global renewable energy value chain who would like to stay up to date on the constantly evolving landscape of India’s corporate renewable PPA market.
The Indian power market is constantly evolving, and the value chain needs to learn, react and shift to accommodate the changing landscape of state-level electricity tariffs, policies and regulations. This paper provides a market, policy and regulatory update on corporate renewable PPAs in India, covering both utility scale and rooftop projects.
The work builds on last year’s report Accelerating corporate procurement of renewable energy in India (June 2018), which presents options for renewable power procurement and provides recommendations for corporate buyers in India.