10 June, 2021Type
PublicationThe SDG Sector Roadmap: Guidelines to inspire sectors to drive transformation in support of the Sustainable Development Goals lay out a step-by-step process that companies from the same sector can follow as they come together to explore, articulate and realize a common vision for how their industry can leverage their unique potential to contribute to the SDG agenda.
WBCSD originally published these guidelines in 2018, in response to recommendations from the Business & Sustainable Development Commission’s landmark Better Business Better World report that made a compelling case for companies to come together with peers at the sector level to develop SDG roadmaps as a means of guiding their industry’s shift to sustainable development in line with the SDGs.
Building on practical application experience acquired through working with over 70 companies on the development of roadmaps for seven industries in recent years, these refreshed and refined set of guidelines provide a structured framework and approach that companies can follow as they embark upon SDG road-mapping for their sector.
The framework leads companies through a process of establishing their sector’s current level of interaction with the SDGs throughout the value chain; identifying the sector’s most significant opportunities for impact; and establishing key calls to action and monitoring systems in order to chart a course towards the sector’s 2030 vision.