New IAASB guidance helps advance assurance for non-financial reporting


06 April, 2021




New York, 6 April – Marking a significant step forward in supporting assurance for non-financial reporting, the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) today published Non-Authoritative Guidance on Applying ISAE 3000 (Revised) to Extended External Reporting (EER) Assurance Engagements in collaboration with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

The Guidance responds to ten key stakeholder-identified challenges commonly encountered in applying International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 (Revised), Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information. The guidance promotes consistent high-quality application of ISAE 3000 (Revised) in extended external reporting assurance engagements to:

  • strengthen the influence of such engagements on the quality of extended external reporting;
  • enhance trust in the resulting assurance reports; and
  • increase the credibility of extended external reports so that they can be trusted and relied upon by their intended users.

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