12 July, 2022Type
PublicationDemystifying Climate Transition Scenarios is a report that helps companies, financial institutions and policy makers understand some of the assumptions and methodologies that feed into climate transition scenarios and models. The report is a collaboration between PwC UK and WBCSD presenting some of the learnings from the project management team in the WBCSD Climate Scenario Analysis Reference Approach project.*
This document aims to provide:
- An overview of the process through which climate scenarios are quantified using models.
- The tools to be able to interpret the assumptions and modeling methods that form standard climate scenarios.
- Foundation level of knowledge on climate transition scenarios, which readers can build upon through further reading and research.
*The Climate Reference Scenarios Project focused on developing an approach to climate transition scenario analysis for use by companies in the energy system. This included the development of an online Climate Scenario Catalogue, a platform that contains information from selected public scenarios and additional business relevant scenarios. The Catalogue allows users to explore the scenarios and variables within it and allows for comparison and analysis across time horizons. While some readers will have used the scenario Catalogue, familiarity with the Catalogue is not necessary to understand this document.