Climate Scenario Tool training for the Food, Agriculture, and Forest Products

This self-paced systems training provides learning on climate scenarios for the Food, Agriculture  and Forest products sector; how to navigate the Climate scenario tool and how to use the tool to assess impacts and inform decision-making.

Target audience

Senior management, strategy, sustainability and risk professionals in Food, Food, Agriculture, and Forest Products sector.

Course duration

90 minutes



Course authors

Developed by PwC in collaboration with the WBCSD and Vivid Economics.

Program materials

Key learning outcomes

Build knowledge of scenario analysis and its applications

Gain insights into the variables, drivers and characteristics of Food, Agriculture, and Forest Product-specific scenarios

Enhance your knowledge and experience with the Climate Scenario Tool, its features and functionality

Gain experience using the Climate Scenario Tool

Understand the types of investigations that can be performed

Understand the types of  insights that can be developed using the Climate Scenario Tool