Net Zero, Nature Positive & Equity Self-Assessment & Toolkits for C-suites

The purpose of the tool is to support Chief Financial and Chief Risk Officers understand the role they can play in embedding climate, nature and equity considerations into decision-making processes and contribute towards achieving Net Zero, Nature Positive and Equity goals and ambitions. It seeks to encourage cross-collaboration between different departments and functions to help drive change.

Target audience

Chief Financial Officers and Chief Risk Officers, and their teams – primary audience.

This tool is open to anyone and is relevant to a variety of sectors.

Course duration




Course authors

This tool was developed by WBCSD, in collaboration with Anthesis, RMMBR, Just Rural Transition (funded by UK aid) and received technical support from a Steering Group of 27 experts.

Key materials

For further details about the tool, how to access it and make best use of it, refer to our User Guide.

Key learning outcomes

Understand your company’s maturity in terms of embedding climate, nature & equity into processes such as strategy & materiality, risk management, metrics & targets, performance management, governance and disclosure.

Gain practical recommendations on next actions to take and access relevant resources based on your maturity level and function.

Enhance cross-collaboration within your company to help drive change.

How to access the self-assessment & toolkits

The tool is hosted on the WBCSD Academy, a free of charge and completely private platform. It requires a few simple steps:

• Create your free, personal account on the WBCSD online Academy sign-up here.
• Within a few minutes, you will receive an email from to create your password. (You may need to check your SPAM folder for this automated email).
• Click the link in the email to set up your password and gain access to the Academy.
• On the Home page in the Academy, scroll down to the Net Zero, Nature Positive and Equity Self-Assessments and Toolkit section and select the assessment of your choice.