09 August, 2016Type
PublicationThe CSI has developed this document to guide the preparation of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), replacing the earlier guidelines published in 2005.
The guidelines have been prepared to reflect international good practice. Cement and aggregates industry operators (existing and future) are encouraged to use the guidance to inform the development of an ESIA as part of the process required to secure governmental permissions for the implementation of new investments and expansions to existing operations globally.
The objective of this document is to guide users through the ESIA process, in accordance with international good practice. It offers a practical guide for all projects—both large and small scale. The guidelines are intended for use by both ESIA practitioners and project decision-makers. Where relevant, the document references the CSI Charter.
CSI member companies are all signatories of the Charter www.wbcsdcement.org, which lays out a suite
of actions to be carried out by companies as part of their contribution to sustainable development. These actions relate to several topics that should be addressed in an ESIA, for example, CO2 and other emissions, responsible use of fuels and raw materials, employee health and safety, and impacts on water and biodiversity.