A shared vision for regenerative agriculture

WBCSD’s initiative to drive business alignment

Key impact stats

Outcomes aligned
0 +

Partners operating in the ecosystem united

0 +
Businesses engaged directly and indirectly
It is time to converge all efforts on how we measure, report and disclose on regenerative agriculture outcomes to allow for deeper regeneration and achieve the impact needed to scale this transition.

Regenerative agriculture outcomes

Leading private sector actors and partners are increasingly taking action and calling for a holistic approach to regenerative agriculture that encompasses environmental, social and economic outcomes.


Our collective vision for regenerative agriculture includes 11 cross-sectoral outcomes, aligned with key sustainability frameworks, planetary boundaries and UN SDGs.


This approach accelerates regenerative agriculture among stakeholders, strengthens corporate accountability, enhances supply chain resilience and enables financing that supports farming communities.

Our collective vision for regenerative agriculture

(Note: particular sectors may include additional outcomes, such as animal welfare as a key category for the fashion, apparel and textile sector as outlined in the Textile Exchange Regenerative Outcome Framework)


We unite to collectively consolidate key frameworks to accelerate cross-sectoral business alignment on how to measure and report on regenerative agriculture outcomes.

About us

Convened by WBCSD and OP2B, this initiative brings together an unprecedented group of 52 businesses and 33 partner organizations to converge on outcomes and robust, credible metrics for regenerative agriculture. 

Partners that have contributed include

Climate farmers
Cool Farm
Field to market
Rainforest Alliance
SAI Platform
Textile Exchange

Regen10: This collective effort aims to foster alignment beyond the private sector, with the wider stakeholder space through the Regen10 initiative where WBCSD leads the private sector engagement. Visit Regen10.org to find out more.

Key Findings

We call for a holistic approach to regenerative agriculture that encompasses three categories: environmental, social and economic outcomes at farm, landscape and corporate ESG levels.

There is alignment on core regenerative agriculture metrics for Climate, Water and Biodiversity, in line with key sustainability frameworks and reporting and disclosure standards.

Organizations support and recognize them as decision-useful and key to quantify progress.

However, we recognize that there are feasibility gaps that we need to address to quantify progress against these eleven outcomes and that we need to retain flexibility to allow for context-specific approaches for their quantification.

There is alignment that data collection and reporting guidelines need to be shared across different stakeholder groups.

There is less consensus among stakeholders on how to measure outcomes related to soil health and farmers’ well-being due to context-specificity, feasibility of data collection and limited metrics in reporting & disclosure frameworks. WBCSD will continue to facilitate the system-wide transition to regenerative agriculture as part of a broader drive for corporate performance and accountability on climate, nature and equity as well as action at the landscape level and an enabling environment.

WBCSD will continue to facilitate the system-wide transition to regenerative agriculture as part of a broader drive for corporate performance and accountability on climate, nature and equity as well as action at the landscape level and an enabling environment.

Explore the Business Guidance publications on Climate, Water, Biodiversity, Soil and  Socioeconomic outcomes for detailed insights into these transformative outcomes and recommended metrics.  

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