

Most climate scenarios agree limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C without using Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is unlikely.

The challenge


The technology to capture, store and/or remove carbon is available, but there are only around 30 operating facilities around the globe with a CO2 sequestration capacity of 43 Mtpa.

The deployment of CCS technologies must be accelerated to achieve a scale over 100 times greater than the present capacity by 2050. The main barriers include:  

  • Techno-economic challenges for CCS technology 
  • A cost on carbon or other financial incentives  
  • Economics and risks of shared infrastructure  
  • Policy frameworks 
  • Perception issues of the role of CCS in achieving net zero emissions   

The business case


The solution


The work covers the following themes: 

  • Storage – investigating and advancing enabling mechanisms for geological storage to achieve a ‘geological’ net-zero emissions. 
  • Capture – identifying use cases and key levers for carbon capture deployment to help increase project investment decisions for emitters and removals project developers. 
  • Removals – guiding companies on ambitious carbon removal purchasing strategies to increase demand for a diverse range of quality methods across both nature and technology. 

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Let's transform

Alexander Nick

Senior Director, Climate Action

Mariana Heinrich

Director, Energy

Neal Gray-Wannell

Manager, CCS and Removals