Young Professionals Program

WBCSD’s Young Professionals Program provides young executives in the early stages of their careers with the opportunity to develop the technical know-how, adaptive skills and professional networks they will need to become sustainability champions and changemakers within their organizations and sectors.

Why join the program?

Gain a deep understanding of corporate sustainability and its strategic importance

Develop leadership competencies that drive ambitious sustainability actions
Create action plans to integrate sustainability within their roles
Join a global network of peers who are committed to a net-zero, nature-positive, and equitable future

should apply

This program is tailored for business professionals aged 20 to 32 who are ready to take the next step in their sustainability journey


The six-week program combines online learning, interactive masterclasses, and individual assignments to provide a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. Delivered through synchronous Zoom sessions, the program includes opportunities for reflection, networking, and collaboration with fellow participants. Optional regional in-person gatherings organized by KPMG Leaders 2050 offer additional networking and learning opportunities.


The program offers a structured learning path that covers key sustainability topics including an introduction to corporate sustainability, as well as deep-dives on business action to address the climate crisis, restore nature, tackle inequality, and improved corporate performance and accountability.

  • -Throughout the program, participants complete an individual assignment, applying their learnings to real-world challenges within their organizations.
    -Upon completion, graduates receive a certificate from WBCSD, provided they meet all participation requirements, and can join in-person networking sessions organized by KPMG’s Leaders 2050 in select regional hubs

to apply

Registration for the WBCSD Young Professionals Program is now open! Places are limited and granted on a first-come, first-served basis.

The cost for participating in the program is 1,000 CHF, which covers the entire six-week learning journey, access to all learning materials, masterclasses, and in-person networking opportunities.

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to together