
Liaison Delegate Meeting 2016

Start date

10 April, 2016

End date

13 April, 2016


Montreux, Switzerland


From ambition to implementation

The theme of our meeting was “From ambition to implementation”.

2015 was a year of ambition that saw the adoption of the historic Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). World leaders committed to building an inclusive and thriving low carbon economy, and the SDGs provide us with an all-encompassing agenda for developing our societies while addressing the critical issues of poverty, inequality and environmental degradation. This unprecedented framework for action calls upon each of us to contribute.

In 2016, we move from ambition to implementation. Delivering on the commitments will be key to achieving the SDGs and the goals of the Paris Agreement. For business, embracing these goals will open new markets, trigger innovation in low carbon technologies, stimulate investment and add value to the economy through new jobs. By seeking out the WBCSD sustainability business solutions that align to your strategy and operations, you can capitalize on these new opportunities and economic incentives while contributing to the SDGs.

We believe three economic systems will drive the transformation in coming years – food & land, climate & energy, and sustainable cities. These systems provide pathways to our existing business solutions and also enable us to open new opportunities for collaboration. As we move forward, we will work together to expand and scale up our business solutions to contribute to the SDGs.