
WBCSD Council Meeting 2024 during Climate Week NYC

Start date

22 September, 2024

End date

23 September, 2024


New York, USA


Fully integrated into Climate Week (New York City), the largest global annual climate event held alongside the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), this year’s Council Meeting will offer a renewed engagement model. Through a more dynamic yet intimate agenda, we will engage our Council Members and other C-suite attendees in more intimate and targeted discussions throughout the week.

We will begin with the Council Dinner on the night of Sunday, 22 September, followed by an executive meeting day Monday 23 September, and thematic senior executive-level roundtables and many workshops throughout the week. WBCSD will collaborate closely with our members to co-design and advance a transformative agenda. Special guests and others in the international community partaking in the conversation will help build the foundation for navigating present challenges and coming up with results-oriented and innovative solutions.

For more information, you can visit our dedicated website exclusive to WBCSD members. If you are a member and you do not have the password to access it, please e-mail us at events@wbcsd.org.

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