The Colombian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CECODES) was created in 1993 by a group of Colombian businesses concerned with a fundamental question: How to achieve continuous economic growth, which would offer opportunities to more people while protecting the environment and using natural resources efficiently?
For more than 25 years, CECODES has been leading the transformation and promotion of sustainable development in the different business sectors in Colombia, convinced that this is the way to achieve greater profitability, improve the quality of life of people and use natural resources rationally. Since its creation, it has promoted, among its associated companies and other interest groups, innovative projects to contribute to environmental, economic and social development.
- Climate: CECODES carries out the measurement of the Carbon Footprint of the supported companies by accompanying them in the process, generating ideas, conferences, workshops and training.
- Nature: The implementation of the Circular Economy strategy is one of the subjects for which CECODES offers added value in terms of accompaniment, idea generation, conferences, workshops and training to its affiliated companies.
- Human rights: We work with the WBCSD to operationalize respect for Human Rights in Colombian companies, so that they commit to promoting it and implementing policies and practices in their supply chains.
- DCI and non-discrimination: In 2020, CECODES began its commitment and leadership in two issues of great relevance today: gender equity and the future of work. For this reason, it wishes to invite its affiliated companies to participate in the spaces created to broaden knowledge on these issues. As operators and managers of inclusive business projects, we continue to support inclusion in our country.
- Operating the highest level of transparency: To continue the work of organizations in this area, CECODES offers training on ethics and integrity as principles of Corporate Governance. We accompany the process of Sustainability Reporting, from materiality to its publication and communication.
María Alejandra Reyes, Communications Director
Danna Lasso Ortiz, Operations Director