Czech BCSD

The Czech BCSD is the largest national platform of entrepreneurs in Czech Republic focusing exclusively on sustainable development and the ESG agenda.


Pavel Kafka

Managing Director

Erika Duchanová


Czech BCSD brings together leading Czech companies working together to accelerate the systemic transformations needed to achieve climate neutrality, regenerate the natural environment, increase the competitiveness of Czech production and achieve a high social standard for the Czech population

Member of the Government Council for Sustainable Development – CBCSD is part of the platform for discussion of issues and preparation of reform proposals in the field of sustainability in the Czech Republic.

Creator of transformative projects and initiatives in the field of sustainability – the RETHINK project (RETHINK – CBCSD), Vision 2050 (Czech Vision 2050 – main pillars and visions – CBCSD) and the ecosystem of CBCSD working groups in the field of sustainability


CBCSD’s key priorities for 2023 are represented by the following five main objectives:

  • (1) To adjust the structure and focus of the Working Groups towards mobilizing those that are of real interest among entrepreneurs, and to improve the results and positive impacts of existing and new Council projects.
  • (2) To professionalize the services and facilities of the Council.
  • (3) To actively leverage WBCSD membership and enhance the Council’s role in advancing the sustainability agenda to the public sector.
  • (4) To expand the Council’s membership base and stabilize and strengthen the Council’s financial position.
  • (5) To increase collaboration and partnerships in the area of sustainability with other value-based organizations in the country.

Within the Working Groups and their content, we focus on priority societal challenges with significant impacts on the business sector in the Czech Republic. These include, for example, the climate and energy agenda in the context of the European Fit for 55 strategy, further development of the “Energy Union” concept (especially in relation to the preparation of the updated National Energy and Climate Plan), implementation of the EU energy and security strategy REPowerEU, adaptation to climate change, resilience to crisis phenomena (cyber, material, pandemic, etc.), clean mobility, circular economy, sustainable finance instruments, non-financial reporting standards, EU Taxonomy and others.
