Enterprises pour l’Environnement (EpE)

Enterprises pour l'Environnement was founded in March 1992 to help its members address the need for a better environment as part of sustainable development. To date Entreprises pour l’Environnement counts over 60 members.


Patrick Pouyanné, TotalEnergies

Managing Director

Claire Tutenuit

Follow us:


Climate change

  • Carbon neutrality;
  • Climate change strategy for business
  • Internal Carbon pricing;
  • Protocols for measuring, reporting and verifying GHG emissions on waste management;
  • Adaptation to Climate Change;
  • Avoided Emissions ;
  • Climate and Trade ;
  • International climate negotiations;
  • Founding member of the Business and Climate Summit.

Ressources management

  • Sustainable water management ;
  • Circular Economy indicators for business;
  • Circular Economy Partnerships;
  • Bioeconomy.


  • Methods & tools to assess and monitor the impacts;
  • Change of scale;
  • Commitments to biodiversity with the act4nature initiative.

Health & Environment

  • Management of the risks on human health and ecosystems;
  • Communication with stakeholders;
  • Business activities’ impacts on human health and the environment.


  • Identification and management of the impacts;
  • Inclusion of the cross-cutting aspect of both the themes and the issues at stake.


  • Stakeholders dialogue;
  • “Entreprises pour l’Environnement Student Prize” on environmental topics;
  • Entreprises pour l’Environnement Newsletter (on a three months base);
  • Organization and Participation to conferences and debates.