Sustainability Reporting Will Create Long-Term Business and Investor Value
The average US public company today has a life span of 30 years. Annually, one in ten fails and the average five-year mortality risk is 32%.
The average US public company today has a life span of 30 years. Annually, one in ten fails and the average five-year mortality risk is 32%.
The business and human rights landscape has evolved rapidly since the launch of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) in 2011 and continues to do so.
WBCSD has a long history of examining risks, opportunities and trends that affect companies’ ability to operate profitably and sustainably.
Business stepping up on water: The first ever World Water Forum Business Day was held in Brasilia as WBCSD launched the CEO Guide to Water
Last week, over 1,100 sustainability professionals from around the world gathered in Phoenix, Arizona for the tenth annual GreenBiz conference.
Last week marked the 48th annual World Economic Forum in Davos, bringing together 3,000 of the world’s most powerful leaders in government, business and civil society.
This year, the World Forum on Natural Capital – the world’s leading natural capital event – focused on the theme Better Decisions for a Better World, making it clear that consideration for natural capital must be present everywhere, from the board rooms of businesses to government dialogues. Over 700 participants from over 60 countries, including 15 WBCSD members, came […]
DIVA was launched in 2015 by Novozymes, DSM, Pillsbury and WBCSD as a not-for-profit entity to co-develop inclusive business ideas into investable ventures, and to co-invest with corporations to overcome the pioneer gap and ultimately bring an impact venture to scale.
Thousands gathered in Bonn Germany for the 2017 climate negotiations under the Paris Agreement. This year’s COP23 was presided over by Fiji and helped shine a light on important aspects of climate resilience and adaptation that have not been as visible at previous COPs.
COP21 in Paris was a watershed moment for government. COP23 in Bonn will be the year for business.