Bill Sisson joins WBCSD North America


10 January, 2019




Geneva, New York City,10 January 2019: The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is pleased to announce that William (Bill) Sisson has been named the Executive Director for WBCSD North America, based in New York City. In this role, he will direct and oversee WBCSD’s regional member relations, sustainability-oriented projects and events.

Bill has over 30 years of experience from the multi-national conglomerate United Technologies Corporation (UTC), where he recently retired as Senior Executive Director for Sustainability.  Bill’s long track record of guiding corporate sustainability with a technology and innovation emphasis will be a welcome addition to assisting our members on sustainability related business challenges as we move into the next critical decade.  

Bill is no stranger to WBCSD, as he was UTC’s Liaison Delegate and co-chaired several of WBCSD’s member-driven projects, most notably the Energy Efficiency in Buildings (EEB) and Low Emissions Economic Partnership (LEEP) projects.  He understands the intricate balance between driving an effective corporate membership and gaining essential business value through engagement and project participation.

Bill has been involved with corporate sustainability since the early 2000’s, where he was appointed as the first Sustainability Director under UTC’s then CEO. He is an invited speaker at global conferences, workshops, and academic institutions on the subject of business sustainability and climate change. 

Bill holds degrees from Virginia Tech, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Business (MIT Sloan), where he is a Sloan Fellow alumnus.  He also supports sustainability initiatives at the Aspen Global Change Institute, Rocky Mountain Institute and as Board Chair and President for the Global Buildings Performance Network.

Bill is committed to driving WBCSD’s member-oriented Value, Impact and Voice benefits around three important goals: to improve the brand and value of WBCSD membership; to enhance, expand and diversify our member base in North America; and, to grow a high impact-oriented team to launch new value-creating projects centered around US and North American member interests.    

WBCSD North America is gearing up for a busy year starting with the WBCSD Member Meeting in North America “Collaborating to Capture Value for Sustainable Business“, on 25 February 2019 organized on the sidelines of the GreenBiz Conference (26-28 February 2019), a key moment for sustainable business leaders in the region.
