A carbon neutral company NOW


07 November, 2019


Member spotlight



Maple Leaf Food

Maple Leaf Foods announced on 7 November 2019 that they have become the first major food company in the world to be carbon neutral. They have become carbon neutral by aggressively reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and investing in high-impact environmental projects to neutralize their remaining and currently unavoidable emissions.

They are also one of just three animal protein companies globally and the only food company in Canada to set Science Based Targets that are aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Importantly, Science-Based Targets require to reduce emissions even as the company grows.

Maple Leaf Foods is on a mission to be the most sustainable protein company on earth. The company recognizes that creating nutrient-dense protein takes resources, and today, Maple Leaf Foods is proud to replenish the environment in equal measure.

More information: https://www.mapleleaffoods.com/sustainability/carbon-strategy/
