Mobility of the Future

The city of Hamburg and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) will work together to develop solutions to achieve a cleaner, safer and better connected mobility in Hamburg. Hamburg, Geneva, Stuttgart, 5 December  2014:  On December 5, 2014, Andreas Rieckhof, Hamburg’s Secretary of State for Economy, Transport and Innovation, and Michael Fahy, Director of the […]

New nanomaterials promise a sustainable future for the tyre industry and the transport sector

According to a recent report by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Geneva, 4 August 2014:  the use of new nanomaterials in tyre production could help foster the sustainability of the tyre industry and reduce the environmental impact of vehicles, if the potential environmental, health and safety risks of the technology are managed carefully. WBCSD welcomes the OECD report entitled Nanotechnology and Tyres: Greening […]

Business charts pathways to support good land stewardship

Private sector actions to support sustainable land stewardship progressed following a meeting to consider ways and means to support decision making for sustainable land management and use. Bonn, 19 March 2014: The meeting, with participation from the private sector, consulting agencies, research institutions and intergovernmental organizations, was held on 11-13 March at the United Nations in […]

WBCSD Engages in New Global Effort to Measure Food Loss and Waste

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has recently engaged in the development of a new Food Loss and Waste Protocol, a multi-stakeholder effort to create a global standard for measuring food loss and waste. Geneva, 13 January, 2014 – The protocol, led by the World Resources Institute (WRI), will enable countries, companies and other organizations to […]

Leading tire company CEOs announce positive results from continuing ambitious research projects on sustainability issues

Tire company CEOs announce additional results from their ongoing international research project studying the potential environmental and health impacts of tires. Kyoto, Japan, 11 October  2013 – The research shows, based on a comprehensive risk assessment that: CEOs from the world’s leading tire companies in Europe, Japan, Korea and North America met in Kyoto, Japan on October […]

Michelin publishes case study on their experimentation center’s preservation policy

In order to ensure customer satisfaction and safety, Michelin must evaluate the performance of its products on test tracks. Geneva, 27 November  2012 – Its centre d’Expériences Michelin Almería (CEMA) experimentation center in Almeria, southern Spain, set up in 1973, occupies 4,500 hectares in a beautiful desert area with the lowest rainfall in Europe. Michelin decided to integrate preservation of this area […]

Leading tire company CEOs announce positive results from ambitious research projects on sustainability issues

Tire company CEOs announce results from an international research project studying the potential environmental and health impacts of tire materials and tire road wear particles. Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA, 12 October 2011 –The research shows: CEOs from eleven of the world’s leading tire companies in Europe, Japan, Korea and North America met outside Washington, DC on October 7 […]

WBCSD launches End-of-Life Tire management manual

Globally, an estimated 1 billion tires reach the end of their lives every year and constitute an environmental challenge for the industry. Geneva, June 29 2010 – A new WBCSD manual brings together best practices from around the world on end-of-life tire (ELT) management. Globally, an estimated 1 billion tires reach the end of their lives […]

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