Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI) Inaugural study of 120,000 employees lays foundations for diversity and inclusion in the workforce

Dublin, 10 May 2022: Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI), WBCSD’s global partner in Ireland inaugurated the first report into measuring and setting workforce targets for diversity and inclusion which has pinpointed higher levels of female participation at senior and executive levels than the national average. The inaugural Elevate report, measuring diversity to drive change, indicates 38% female […]

BNP Paribas unveils its first ‘Climate Analytics and Alignment Report’ and carbon intensity reduction targets by 2025

As part of BNP Paribas’ ‘Climate Analytics and Alignment Report’, net-zero targets have been determined using International Energy Agency (IEA) scenarios and sector-wide initiatives such as the PACTA methodology and the framework provided by the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, joined by the Group in April 2021.

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