India Water Tool enhanced with agriculture water-use data to help build resilient agriculture value chains in India

WBCSD launches India Water Tool 4.0 bringing new agriculture demand-side water data helping businesses understand risks and opportunities for strengthening agriculture value chains in India. Geneva, 22 March 2022: On the UN World Water Day, we release the new version of the India Water Tool 4.0. It is a comprehensive and user-friendly application that makes water […]

First iteration of TNFD framework released for public consultation

Geneva/London, 15 March: The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) has today released the beta version (“version 0.1”) of its risk management and disclosure framework for nature-related risks and opportunities. The version 0.1 of the TNFD framework is open to public consultation following TNFD’s open innovation approach.  TNFD, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and other […]

Business readiness to step up action on nature – trends & insights on corporate reporting

Geneva, 10 March 2022 – The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) released a new whitepaper on Business readiness to step up action on nature – trends & insights on corporate reporting analyzing business readiness to contribute to the Global Goal for Nature. WBCSD undertook a baseline analysis with the aim of providing insights into how a […]

A collaborative step toward ending plastic pollution

The momentum is high as negotiations on a UN Treaty on plastic pollution will start this year. It is a unique opportunity to develop a global policy framework that will align businesses and governments behind a shared understanding of the causes of plastic pollution and a clear approach to addressing them.

The Spanish Business Council for Sustainable Development presents ‘Vision 2050’ to inspire and accelerate the business action to ESG challenges

Madrid, 24 February 2022: The Spanish Business Council for Sustainable Development, a high-level body made up of 40 Presidents and CEOs of major companies and led by Forética -the leading business organization for sustainability in Spain, representing the country on the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), presents the roadmap ‘Vision 2050. The moment of transformation’ with the aim of inspiring and accelerating […]

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