Chief Sustainability Officers for SDGs – The 17 Goals remain the world’s north star for a sustainable and inclusive recovery


20 July, 2020


WBCSD insights



James Gomme

The session featured the following speakers:

  • Alexandra Brand, Chief Sustainability Officer, Syngenta
  • Elliott Carlton Harris, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development and Chief Economist, DESA
  • Noppadol Dej-Udom, Chief Sustainability Officer, C.P. Group
  • Linden Edgell, Global Sustainability Program Director, Environmental Resources Management Limited (ERM)
  • Masaya Futamiya, Director–Chairman, Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. and Chair, Keidanren Committee on Responsible Business Conduct & SDGs Promotion
  • Martina Guarnaschelli, Embassy Secretary, International Organizations Department, and focal point for the National Social Policies Coordination Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of Argentina
  • Alan Knight, General Manager Corporate Responsibility, ArcelorMittal
  • Sanda Ojiambo, CEO and Executive Director, United Nations Global Compact
  • Caroline Rees, President & CEO, Shift
  • Filippo Veglio, Managing Director, People Program & Outreach, WBCSD

Session materials

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