Eni publishes for the third year in a row Eni for human rights


03 August, 2021


Member spotlight



WBCSD Communications

The report Eni For Human Rights explains the actions taken by Eni to lead the energy transition in a fair and inclusive way

San Donato Milanese (Milan), 3 August 2021 – Eni publishes Eni For Human Rights, the third company’s report that illustrates its commitment to the respect for Human Rights, providing transparent information on Eni’s approach, challenges and performance on the matter. The report mirrors the United Nations’ Guiding Principles (UNGPs), the global framework created to prevent, address and remedy adverse impacts on human rights linked to business activities. 

In a historical moment characterized by the uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, it is fundamental to have a solid commitment on respecting human rights and to strengthen the support to the workers and communities hosting Eni’s activities.

“It is time to be aware that the challenges of the current global context can only be faced and overcome by looking to the future, with the dignity of every human being as a compass. To be successful, each of us must play a role in a just transition process, placing ourselves at the service of others. At the same time, as the world continues to cope with the impacts of Covid-19, it is essential that the efforts to support economic recovery are aligned with the path to net zero. That is why, during the last year, we have worked even harder to make our targets stronger, boosting the strategy that will allow Eni to reach the complete carbon neutrality by 2050”, said Claudio Descalzi, Eni’s Chief Executive Officer.

Eni for Human Rights takes stock of the work carried out over the past five years to strengthen Eni’s approach on human rights, assessing the company’s results, relevant challenges and opportunities in the area to be leader in delivering an energy transition that is fair and inclusive from a social perspective.

The report details how Eni manages human rights issues in its relations with employees, local communities, suppliers and business partners, as well as in its security activities. In these areas, Eni applies strict control procedures, with the aim of preventing violations and remedying them if they occur.

The solidity of the company’s approach to the matter has been recognized by the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark, which in 2020 ranked Eni first in the index (together with another company from a different business sector), and evidenced by the results obtained from other specific initiatives Eni has voluntarily taken part to – acting as a pioneer in the industry – such as the Workforce Disclosure Initiative.

Eni for Human Rights, along with Eni for and its annexes, is part of the company’s sustainability reporting.

Read also
Eni for 2020: our sustainability report