How can businesses help make Vision 2050 a reality? A conversation with Givaudan


15 July, 2021




Geneva, 15 July 2021 – The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) recently launched Vision 2050: Time to Transform, a comprehensive framework for business action that can drive the creation of a world in which more than 9 billion people live well, within planetary boundaries by mid-century.

Givaudan, a global leading company in taste & wellbeing and fragrance & beauty, was one of the 40 WBCSD member companies that supported the 2-year collaborative development of a Vision that needed to be practical, grounded in reality, and that would help companies drive change in their sustainability planning and business strategies.

Givaudan’s Hallvard Bremnes (Global Head of Sustainability) and Sara Neame (Sustainability Communications) recently sat down with WBCSD’s Managing Director Filippo Veglio to discuss the Vision, its underlying Pathways, and how we can all play our part in driving the kinds of transformations that it shows are needed – including by motivating and inspiring the 16,000 Givaudan team members to become advocates and change-makers.

You can watch the conversation here – and for more information about Vision 2050: Time to Transform, please visit our dedicated website.