This is an English summary of the article that was originally published in May 2020 in MilieuMagazine.
The recently launched methodology allows companies to measure the impact of their circular activities; on a company level, business unit or product group. This new calculation method helps companies to take the next step in their circularity journey. The Circular Transition Indicators (CTI) framework, a complex name for a very practical tool, has been developed by WBCSD and KPMG.
It is a starting point for companies, not just to measure and review their own circular performance, but also to generate the necessary conversations with value chain partners and other stakeholders. The methodology is universal and applicable to any company, regardless of size, industry or value chain position and allows them to consistently measure circularity and collaborate on solutions towards shared priorities.
While necessary steps were taken to pilot and finalize the CTI framework, investments were made to develop a tool to help companies incorporating the methodology into their organizations. WBCSD partnered with Circular IQ to establish the CTI Online tool to support companies accelerating their transition towards circularity.
The many positive responses and high level of interest after the launch of the CTI framework and online tool in January 2020 at the World Economic Forum in Davos has illustrated a real need from the business community for a framework like this. In the first weeks after launch, WBCSD reached half a million professionals through various touch points and over 200 accounts have been registered for the CTI online tool since launch.

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