New governance tools helping companies set priorities and credible goals aligned with system resilience and ESG


22 May, 2020




Geneva, Switzerland 26 May, 2020: As we restart the global economy, companies will be under pressure to demonstrate that their strategy aligns with meeting the needs of society and the planet. A new suite of tools developed by the Embedding Project in collaboration with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) as part of their will help companies take a public position on key issues and set goals that are in alignment with doing their part to contribute to the resilience of the communities where they operate.

These free tools are the result of an extensive and rigorous research process and have been piloted with multinational companies from a range of sectors globally. The tools provide a further resource to the board director website launched 20 May 2020 to improve their decision-making processes to protect and preserve long-term value by considering the current pandemic and ESG aspects.

With growing pressure for businesses to articulate a social purpose aligned with shifting the global economy towards a rapid climate transition and greater equality, this new suite of tools offers practical guidance that is grounded in an analysis of real-world examples and strong systems thinking. We are excited to work with a global network like the WBCSD that understands the regenerative potential of business and are heartened to see the impact this project is already having in advancing corporate sustainability strategies and goal setting.

Dr. Stephanie Bertels, Founder and Executive Director of the Embedding Project

Business is under extreme pressure to survive the current shock and to build back better to thrive in the long-term. For clear prioritisation and goals companies need an understanding of their whole operating environment and context. These tools help all companies develop more robust governance regardless of their current maturity.

Mario Abela, Director- Redefining Value, WBCSD


Embedded Strategies Guide

The Embedded Strategies Guide helps companies set priorities and goals that are aligned with system resilience. Building on the Embedding Project’s prior work, insights from over 300 interviews with senior executives, CEOs, board chairs, directors and experiences supporting companies around the world, it outlines resources and tactics that help companies:

  • Scan for emerging issues and risks and their implications for the business;
  • Understand their own corporate impacts and their potential for positive influence;
  • Prioritise where it makes sense to direct their efforts; and
  • Set their business strategy and goals in alignment with delivering systems value.

Goals Database

The Goals Database helps companies set credible goals, and benchmark their goals against other companies worldwide – it contains leading sustainability goals and commitments set by large companies globally.

The Database has been generated from a review of thousands of sustainability goals from companies around the world, each goal is assessed against transparent criteria based on publicly available information. Anyone is welcome to search the database by sorting by issue, company, industry, goal type, or SDG target.

Position Database

The Position Database helps companies develop and benchmark their own positions on various environmental, social and economic issues.

Investors, customers, employees, and communities are demanding that companies articulate a clear position on key sustainability issues. This public database of corporate positions on a range of environmental and social issues was assembled based on reviewing of thousands of corporate positions articulated by companies globally. The database helps companies to develop positions on various environmental, social, and economic issues, and benchmark these statements against leading statements produced by others.

Each position included in the database has been assessed using the framework outlined in the Embedding Project’s Governance Guide based on publicly available data.