OP2B – SAI Platform press release


14 December, 2021




The Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI Platform) and One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B) coordinate to enable reporting on regenerative outcomes through on-farm to corporate-level KPIs.

The two global organisations are working to scale Regenerative Agriculture, involving an inclusive process with partners from all parts of the value chain, including special advisors from academia and NGOs, to:

• Support the transition to farm-specific practices that enable greater regenerative capacity.

• Report on progress from farm to corporate value chains.

• Drive continuous improvement across the industry. The organisations complement each other through their respective core competencies.

OP2B developed a framework to support companies in fostering Regenerative Agriculture, and report on its outcomes through key impact indicators at corporate level. This framework is articulated around objectives and high-level indicators enabling benchmarking, targeting, measuring, and reporting on progress towards regenerative agriculture in value chains.

SAI Platform is continuing the work to the farm-level, building a Regenerative Agriculture framework and implementation programme to enable farmers to engage with regenerative management through an outcome-based approach, engaging farmers where they are (v0 disclosed on September 21st, 2021).

OP2B and SAI Platform aim to scale regenerative agriculture as one of the farming models of agroecology which goes beyond the overall understanding of “sustainable” agriculture, standing for a necessary evolution from today’s core agricultural model in the face of accelerating challenges related to climate, nature and equity.

Their approaches are complementary and combining them will enable global progress, shaping new ways of working from farms to global companies.

  • OP2B will continue engaging senior corporate leadership to make Regenerative Agriculture recognised and credible, ensuring consistency in approaches through its Regenerative Agriculture framework, and bridging with operational partners such as SAI Platform to accelerate deployment in the fields.
  • SAI Platform’s Regenerative Agriculture programme will help companies translate and implement outcome-based Regenerative Agriculture goals, such as the ones outlined in OP2B Framework, within their supply chains.
  • Outcome-based indicators, guidance, verification and mechanisms to communicate and translate regenerative activities designed by SAI Platform will equip farmers and farmer communities to fulfill the 4 objectives of Regenerative Agriculture developed by OP2B.
  • The OP2B and SAI Platform frameworks will co-evolve, building on the experience and the progress that will be made in the scale up of Regenerative Agriculture (including tools, practices and learning).

Florence Jeantet, OP2B General Manager highlighted “For OP2B, this is an important milestone in implementing Regenerative Agriculture. By integrating the impact indicators within SAI Platform’s Regenerative Agriculture framework and programme, companies will be able to measure the progress of regenerative practices in their value chain, limiting the reporting effort for farmers.

Nick Betts, SAI Platform commented “One of the key tenets of SAI Platform’s approach is inclusiveness and collaboration. By building important bridges, with initiatives like OP2B, our two organisations will minimise duplication and build synergies through supporting Regenerative Agriculture in value chains and scaling regenerative outcomes on-farm.

For more information

SAI Platform: Nick Betts

OP2B: Doug Petry