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Ten years of Reporting Matters: reflecting on a decade and gearing up for the future 


20 October, 2022




  • We have reviewed 1,623 reports.  
  • We have held 671 one-to-one feedback calls with member companies.  
  • We have seen a significant increase in the overall score from 52% in 2013 to 67% in 2022.  
  • In fact, there has been a 700% increase in the number of companies scoring 70% or over since 2013.  
  • 93% of member companies in our benchmark have improved their Overall scores since the baseline year of 2019; 34% have improved their Materiality score.  

The state of SDG reporting  

  • 94% of reports reviewed acknowledged the SDGs in some way; 34% prioritize 5-8 Goals to focus on.  

The state of integrated reporting  

  • 35% of reports reviewed combine financial and non-financial information, slightly down from 39% in 2019; 19% are self-declared integrated reports.  

The state of GRI reporting  

  • 76% of reports reviewed reference the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), down from 87% in 2019; 75% of whom claim to be in accordance with the Core or Comprehensive level.  

The emergence of SASB and TCFD  

  • 45% of reports reviewed reference the SASB standards, up from 10% in 2019; 78% reference the TCFD recommendations.  

Online content shoots up  

  • 98% of members with an offline-first approach produce complementary online content, up from 64% in 2019; 21% of reports reviewed provide a digital-first experience, similar to 23% in 2019.