Nestlé: transforming coffee farming in Vietnam 

This impact story is part of a series featuring companies that are members of OP2B, an initiative of WBCSD. Through these stories, we aim to showcase our members’ commitment to driving the transition to regenerative agricultural practices, the impact on farmers and the role OP2B plays in supporting this transformation.   Nestlé: 50% of all sourcing from […]

InVivo: innovating for sustainable agriculture in France

This impact story is part of a series featuring companies that are members of OP2B/WBCSD. Through these stories, we aim to showcase our members’ commitment to driving the transition to regenerative agricultural practices, the impact on farmers and the role OP2B plays in supporting this transformation.  InVivo, a One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B) member […]

Corporate case studies: Leveraging the Roadmap to Nature Positive

Our member case studies help to bridge the gap between theory and practice. These examples show how companies within the agri-food system are navigating the nature-positive journey, offering valuable insights into the particular opportunities and challenges that businesses encounter along the way. As each organization confronts a combination of unique and shared hurdles, it is important […]

Enel X: EV adoption for employee vehicles

Part of Enel Group, Enel X is a company that develops, promotes and sells innovative products and services in the electric mobility sector, including EV charging infrastructure and network management applications.

B2B chemical product packaging

Members of the “Transition roadmap for B2B chemical products” workstream are convinced that SPHERE could potentially enable them to better analyze different types of packaging systems with more granularity and within a broader spectrum of sustainability criteria.

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