São Paulo Roundtable on Financing Deforestation- and Conversion-free Soy Production

07 November 2024, value chain actors representing soy supply chain companies (including input companies, agribusinesses, manufacturers, retailers and consumer goods companies), financial institutions and expert NGOs convened at a roundtable in Sao Paulo. During this session, participants discussed a multi-stakeholder financial strategy for deforestation- and conversion-free DCF soy production in the Brazilian Cerrado.   This 2-page […]

Circularity Data Exchange: Landscape analysis and way forward 

The transition to a circular economy demands robust mechanisms for managing and exchanging product-level data. The newly released “Enhancing the Exchange of Product Circularity Data – Recommendations White Paper”, developed by WBCSD in collaboration with KPMG and Circularise, explores the landscape of circularity data practices, challenges, and opportunities to create consistent, credible, and comparable data […]

Soft Commodities Forum Progress Report, December 2024

The Soft Commodities Forum (SCF) enables collaboration between six leading agribusinesses to identify solutions to eliminate deforestation and conversion in soy landscapes in the Brazilian Cerrado, operating alongside an advisory group that includes the Accountability Framework Initiative, the Brazilian Rural Society, GIZ Brazil, SustainCERT and the Tropical Forest Alliance. The Cerrado is one of Earth’s […]

Building the case for in-value chain action on carbon dioxide removal

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR), the set of human-induced activities through which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and durably stored, will play an increasingly important role in businesses’ net-zero pathways. In fact, while it remains imperative to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to tackle the climate crisis, estimates show that we will also need […]

Renewable industrial heat navigator brief – Solar thermal solutions

Today, around 80% of industrial process heating applications source their energy from fossil fuels. This makes process heating by far the largest contributor to industrial carbon emissions. WBCSD is releasing a Solar Thermal Navigator Brief to raise awareness of solar thermal as a renewable heating solution. This document highlights the technology’s benefits, limitations, key parameters […]

Scope 3 Data and MRV Guidance for Agriculture and Food 

It is critical for agri-food businesses to drive effective sustainability action on the ground if they are to meet climate commitments, respond to external expectations and address climate risks. To do so, agri-food businesses need to put into practice and account for scalable agricultural practice change.   To account for the impacts of agricultural practice change, […]

Scope 3 Navigator for Agriculture and Food 

Agrifood value chains must address barriers to scope 3 emissions reductions and removals associated with land use. This is essential to accelerate value chain interventions and the flow of much-needed investment. To do so, agri-food businesses need to put into practice and account for scalable agricultural practice change.   To ensure that carbon accounting standards and […]

Sharing data for a more sustainable urban mobility

Meeting the Paris Agreement climate goals requires electrification of transport at an unprecedented pace as well as a steep increase in transport efficiency to account for expected increases in passenger mobility demand. Mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) is a recognized solution for a more efficient and user-centric mobility by digitally integrating transport modes into one service platform and […]

Enabling Corporate Plastic Disclosure: Unlocking private finance 

A pivotal moment in the fight against plastic pollution is here.  From 25 November to 1 December 2024, global leaders will convene at the 5th Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-5) in Busan, Republic of Korea, to finalize a UN treaty on plastic pollution. Among the critical issues to address is how to mobilize the financing needed […]

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