Regen10 to work with over 500 million farmers to scale regenerative food production by 2030

Today at COP26, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and 12 partners announced Regen10, an ambitious collective action plan to scale regenerative food production systems, worldwide, in a decade.

The Responsible Meat Initiative (ReMI)

With a list of material topics that builds on current scientific understanding of the most important issues along the pork value chain, ReMI describes potential challenges and opportunities that lie ahead of the industry and provides action areas and targets to scale up responsible meat production and consumption.

Business Declaration for Food Systems Transformation

The Business Declaration for Food Systems Transformation, developed by the Private Sector Guiding Group (PSGG) that Peter Bakker, CEO and President of WBCSD, has convened and chairs, was launched during the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit that took place on 26-28 July in Rome. More than 220 executives have signed to accelerate business actions towards an equitable, net-zero […]

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