The UNCCD Delhi declaration from business
Business recognizes that the world needs to build a future that avoids, minimizes, and reverses desertification and land degradation and mitigates the effects of drought.
Business recognizes that the world needs to build a future that avoids, minimizes, and reverses desertification and land degradation and mitigates the effects of drought.
Home to one-sixth of the world’s population, India is transitioning fast. By 2030, the middle class is expected to grow to be the largest in the world representing an estimated USD$ 6 trillion growth opportunity for businesses.
A Food and Nature example
The World Water Week in Stockholm (25-30 August) is a great annual bellwether for the water sector: trending topics, pioneering organizations and a sense of where the sector is heading.
The Global Assessment report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services published in August 2019 by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), is the first assessment of this magnitude in almost 15 years. It highlights the status and trends of the natural world, the social implication of these trends, their direct and indirect causes, […]
Peter Bakker, president and CEO of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, outlines its Vision 2050 program and how it applies to posts.
The report finds that sustainable land management is a tool to combat climate change and is also urgently needed to keep land productive to improve food security.
WBCSD and its FReSH members supported the successful business mobilization conference held in The Hague in preparation for the Global Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit to be held in Tokyo, Japan at the end of 2020.
Despite the fact we need food to survive, the agriculture and food sectors can seem at odds with an increasing global drive for sustainability. They impact on several planetary sustainability boundaries, the most concerning of which include nitrogen and phosphorous flows, loss of biodiversity, water consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions. At the 2019 EAT Forum, […]
One third of food produced is never consumed: this represents 8% of global GHG and a quarter of the water used in agriculture, as well as crop-land the size of China.