Roadmaps to nature positive

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) with 60 leading companies and partners are developing business guidance for actions to align strategies with the shared goal of a nature-positive planet by 2030.

Continuous Improvement in Human Rights Due Diligence

Improving human rights performance needs to be a priority. Our aim with this short report is to demonstrate – and stimulate – a collective journey of continuous improvement in human rights performance.

Shifting behaviors toward plant-forward foods

In 2022, FReSH and its members developed a plant-forward foods framework and toolkit, using the Behavior-Centered Design (BCD) methodology from the Rare Center for Behavior and the Environment.

COP15 reflections: how is business stepping up to implement the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF)

Yesterday, we read the news, from the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), announcing that governments agreed on the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF).

Soft Commodities Forum Progress Report

The Soft Commodities Forum (SCF) enables collaboration between six leading agribusinesses to identify solutions to eliminate soy-driven deforestation and the conversion of native vegetation in the Brazilian Cerrado.

The Soft Commodities Forum invites investment in a new financial model to eliminate soy-driven deforestation and native vegetation conversion in Brazil’s Cerrado

The launch of the strategy is detailed alongside updates of shared accountability standards and increased supply chain transparency in the Soft Commodities Forum’s bi-annual report.

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