Accelerating decarbonization by aligning the efforts of business and finance

Dominant greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting frameworks such as GHG Protocol, CDP and TCFD lay out the foundation for emissions measurement, disclosure and reduction by business and financial institutions. These frameworks focus on quantifying and reducing generated or financed emissions following an inventory accounting approach. Despite increased efforts by private market actors, humanity remains off track […]

Guidance on Avoided Emissions

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and its member companies, in collaboration with Carbone4 and its Net Zero Initiative and released the “Guidance on Avoided Emissions: Helping business drive innovations and scale solutions toward Net Zero”. 

Addressing the Avoided Emissions Challenge

As part of low-carbon technology value chains various chemical industry products aid the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to conventional products or compared to the market average. Under the terminology of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol international accounting tool, emission reductions of this kind are termed “avoided emissions”.

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