Reporting matters 2017

This publication marks our fifth edition of Reporting matters. Our research has confirmed that many organizations find it challenging to meet the increasing number of disclosure requirements in a robust manner.

Launching new training program to help business increase investment in natural infrastructure

Honolulu, Hawai’i, 4 September 2016 – We’re excited to launch an online, free training course on Natural Infrastructure for Business (NI4Biz). This course will teach business leaders about the benefits of natural infrastructure projects. We hope it will lead to increased investment in nature-based solutions that are good for business, society and the environment. What is Natural […]

On the Road to Ankara to Achieve Land Degradation Neutrality

Land is an essential asset for business and its degradation represents a major risk for many companies in sectors ranging from agriculture and forestry to those that have indirect links to land via supply or value chains.  Concerns over land degradation are now mobilizing the international community, and there are a growing number of global […]

On the Road to Ankara: a Declaration of Intent to help address land degradation

The UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), the Turkish Ministry of Forests and Water Affairs (MoFWA) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) have joined forces to address the pressing challenge of global land degradation. Geneva, 13 May 2015 – The agreement was formalised in a Declaration of Intent that supports collaboration in the lead-up to the UNCCDCOP12 that will take […]

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