Natural Climate Solutions Alliance IN PROGRESS

The NCS Alliance is a multistakeholder coalition that brings together public and private stakeholders to identify opportunities and barriers to investment into carbon credits in new and existing markets to scale up financing for natural climate solutions.

A guide to 1.5°C-aligned hydrogen investments

As the world’s demand for hydrogen is expected to increase in coming decades, companies need to find much less carbon-intense ways to produce it to ensure the energy system will reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

Scaling up the hydrogen sector

This report summarizes key lessons learned from these pioneering hydrogen projects, providing business developers and investors with insights into the factors that helped these projects reach final investment decisions.

NCS in Action

“NCS in Action” are powerful testaments to the critical importance of investing in natural climate solutions (NCS) on the voluntary carbon market.

Six new companies joined the H2ForNetZero pledges to accelerate the use of decarbonized hydrogen

New pledges to support the deployment of hydrogen by 2030 were announced at the World Hydrogen Congress, adding to the momentum initiated last year during the Conference of the Parties (COP26) with the launch of the H2ForNetZero initiative.

Natural Climate Solutions and the Voluntary Carbon Market

Natural Climate Solutions and the Voluntary Carbon Market: A Guide for C-suite Executives, published by the Natural Climate Solutions Alliance (NCS Alliance) in conjunction with ERM, provides high-level guidance for decision makers in choosing high-quality carbon credits to drive demand for Natural Climate Solutions (NCS) and mobilize companies to mitigate their emissions beyond their value chains.

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