Letter to the EU Commission on European Sustainability Reporting Standards

Frans Timmermans, First Vice President of the European Commission Mairead McGuinness, European Commissioner for Financial services, financial stability and Capital Markets UnionEuropean CommissionRue de la Loi1049 BrusselsBelgium 9th September 2022 Dear Mr Vice President Timmermans, Dear Commissioner McGuinness, The significance of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) mandating European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) cannot be underestimated.  […]

Companies, investors and professional accountants add their voices to the call for global alignment between sustainability reporting standard setters and frameworks

Sixty-five companies, investors and professional accounting firms from across the world add their voices to the call for major standard-setting efforts to more closely align with and support a global baseline for reporting sustainability-related information.

Leading financial market participants call for stronger alignment of regulatory and standard setting efforts around sustainability disclosure

Investors, companies, and the accountancy profession all benefit from simplicity and alignment, serving the public interest Clear, comprehensive and comparable disclosure of sustainability-related information is one of the foundational building blocks of a well-functioning global financial system. Financial market regulators should seize this historical and fast-closing window of opportunity to get it right by ensuring […]

All change in sustainable investor relations

This Working Paper outlines findings from a series of interviews conducted with over 30 large, listed companies from across the world to assess the changing nature of sustainable investor relations.

Reinventing capitalism: a transformation agenda

As part of its work to update its Vision 2050, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is releasing an issue brief advocating that now is the time for companies and investors to enter – and lead – the debate, not just about why capitalism needs to change, but about how we go about transforming it.