CTI – Guidance for the chemical industry to accelerate deployment of circular metrics

With 95% of all manufactured products & materials relying on chemicals processes, the industry is in a unique position to catalyze the transition to a circular economy. Yet, today the chemical industry operates predominately in the linear economy. While to date, six out of nine planetary boundaries transgressed and 90% of global nature loss is […]

Building trust – Assurance of portfolio assessments

WBCSD’s Portfolio Sustainability Assessment (PSA), first launched in 2018, can form the core of a company’s sustainability plan. The PSA offers a proven methodology for assessing a company’s product portfolio and provides a structure for decision-making.

Vision 2050 Products & Materials Pathway: We can make things, smarter

By Federico Merlo, Managing Director Member Relations at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) The circular economy provides a “back-to-basics” perspective that reminds us to use resources of all forms – such as energy, water, materials, food – as they are: finite and valuable. A complete life cycle approach that accounts for environmental and social impacts  […]

Major players across chemical and electric utility sectors share TCFD implementation experience

Today, through collaboration with WBCSD, eleven leading companies across chemical and electric utility sectors provide an in-depth look at climate-related financial disclosure in two landmark reports.

WBCSD’s Forest Solution Group leads development of SDG roadmap to catalyze forest sector’s impact on the SDGs

Last week, members of the WBCSD’s Forest Solution Group (FSG) met in New York to chart the course that will lead the forest sector on a path to maximize its potential to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). FSG came together for two days to better understand the forest sector’s interaction with the […]

Chemical Sector SDG Roadmap

The Chemical Sector SDG Roadmap (Roadmap) is an initiative led by a selection of leading chemical companies and industry associations, convened by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), to explore, articulate and help realize the potential of the chemical sector to leverage its influence and innovation to contribute to the SDG agenda.

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