New framework accelerates circular transition

This is an English summary of the article that was originally published in May 2020 in MilieuMagazine. The recently launched methodology allows companies to measure the impact of their circular activities; on a company level, business unit or product group. This new calculation method helps companies to take the next step in their circularity journey. The Circular Transition […]

Disclosure in a time of system transformation: Climate-related financial disclosure for food, agriculture and forest products companies

The production, transformation and distribution of food, agriculture and forest products are routine and essential aspects of global society. These sectors are critical for people’s health, survival and well-being, providing food, buildings, packaging and infrastructure. They also support the livelihoods of millions of people through their multi-tiered and complex value chains. The Food, Agriculture and […]

Key players across food, agriculture and forest products sectors share TCFD implementation experience

Geneva, 9 April 2020: Today, leading food, agriculture and forest products companies, through collaboration with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), provide an in-depth look at climate-related disclosure in the new report Disclosure in a time of system transformation: TCFD disclosure for food, agriculture and forest products companies. As part of the Task Force […]

First standardized guidelines to measure plastic pollution across corporate value chains published by the Plastic Leak Project

Geneva, 9 March: The Plastic Leak Project recently released the Plastic Leak Project (PLP) Guidelines which provide businesses at all stages of the value chain with a robust, standardized method for calculating and reporting estimates of plastic and microplastic leakage at both the corporate and product level. These insights will provide businesses with a strong foundation to define […]

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