How business in India can make the switch to electric vehicle fleets

Madrid, 3 December 2019: WBCSD today launched the “India Business Guide to EV Adoption” along with the Government of India and industry participants who came together to discuss India’s transition to sustainable mobility at the India Pavilion at COP 25 in Madrid. WBCSD has been working with India’s EV value chain under its REmobility workstream since […]

India Business Guide to EV Adoption

While the country is investing in public transport and infrastructure, the demand for personal mobility using two, three and four-wheelers is growing at a rapid pace – often faster than the speed at which public infrastructure and mass-transport is deployed.

The first-ever Corporate Mobility Pact – catalyzing corporate action to transform mobility

Lisbon, Tuesday 15 October 2019: Today, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) joined forces with the City of Lisbon and leading companies, to launch the Lisbon Corporate Mobility Pact (CMP). Under the leadership of the City of Lisbon, Arcadis, BNP Paribas, Brisa, Deloitte, Eaton, EDP, BCSD Portugal and WBCSD, the CMP provides a platform […]

The role of business in accelerating systems transformation

An update on the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s refresh of its landmark Vision 2050 Geneva, 10 October 2019: Earlier this year, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) set out to revisit its landmark Vision 2050 – an ambitious study issued a decade ago, exploring what a sustainable world would look like in mid-century, how […]

SiMPlify wins a P4G Award

WBCSD’s Sustainable Urban Mobility project, SiMPlify, has won a coveted award as part of the 2019 State-of-the-Art Partnerships, recently announced in Washington DC by P4G, the Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals initiative. SiMPlify won the category of SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, for the work it has done in the City of […]

Can sustainable business really save the world?

Time is running out to decarbonise the world’s economies. Can the business world respond in time? Eco-Business asks the two leaders of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Peter Bakker and Olam boss Sunny Verghese, if sustainable capitalism can avert planetary disaster. This article was originally published by Eco-Business and republished with their kind agreement. The origins […]

WBCSD and WEF to scale up impact on pressing sustainable development issues

MoU signed between WBCSD’s Peter Bakker and WEF’s Klaus Schwab and Dominic Waughray Geneva, 20 August 2019: The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) have today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collectively mobilize action on urgent issues related to climate change, biodiversity, food systems, circular economy (including […]