How-to guide: Zero-emission zones

The current freight system intensifies many urban challenges: congestion, traffic safety, noise pollution, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. Yet too often city planners and transportation officials overlook the impact of freight.

WBCSD and global leaders call for historic Built Environment Day at COP26

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) together with C40 Cities, Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, Green Building Council Italia, Mission 2020, The Climate Group, We Mean Business, World Green Building Council, World Resources Institute and UK Green Building Council yesterday signed a letter to COP26 President, Alok Sharma, calling for a Built Environment Day at the climate summit in November 2021.

Daimler Sustainability Dialogue 2020: World and Company in transformation

The 13th Daimler Sustainability Dialogue has brought together more than 200 representatives from business, politics and society – for the first time digitally, but by no means less significantly, at a time when climate change, the global pandemic and critical debates about inequality are fueling worldwide discussions.

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