The Value Chain Carbon Transparency Pathfinder: Accelerating decarbonization by increasing Scope 3 emissions transparency across value chains

WBCSD’s Carbon Transparency Pathfinder is a new initiative dedicated to enabling widescale exchange of primary, carbon emissions data. With many businesses doubling down on credible decarbonization solutions toward COP26 and beyond, the Pathfinder will support their climate action with a comprehensive methodology and technical infrastructure for sharing granular, consistent and verified product-level data on primary […]

Value Chain Carbon Transparency Pathfinder

This Mission Paper introduces WBCSD’s Value Chain Carbon Transparency Pathfinder: a new initiative dedicated to enabling widespread exchange of carbon emissions data.

Accelerating climate action to COP 26

The global transformation to Net Zero is underway but we are still not on track. WBCSD calls on business and governments to double down on climate action on the crucial road to COP 26.

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