Six new companies joined the H2ForNetZero pledges to accelerate the use of decarbonized hydrogen

New pledges to support the deployment of hydrogen by 2030 were announced at the World Hydrogen Congress, adding to the momentum initiated last year during the Conference of the Parties (COP26) with the launch of the H2ForNetZero initiative.

Stockholm Synthesis Report

In June 2022, Stockholm+50 brought together public and private players to promote new thinking and innovation that links climate, nature and equity.

Accelerating electric infrastructure: an integrated approach to decarbonization is key

Infrastructure plays an important role in achieving climate targets. The time is now to accelerate the deployment of electric infrastructure (e-infrastructure) and to increase the pace and impact of decarbonization at the nexus of the built environment, energy and transport.

Insetting and Scope 3 climate action

The objective of this paper on insetting and Scope 3 climate action is to outline the importance of a shared understanding of insetting and explore the proposed accounting structure in the new draft GHG Protocol Land Sector and Removals Guidance.

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