Nature is at a tipping point. Businesses are calling on governments to adopt policies to reverse nature loss in this decade

Geneva, 21 September 2020: On the same day as the UN General Assembly adopted its 75th Declaration that recognizes the urgent need for Member States to act to protect our planet and build back better, more than 560 companies with combined revenue of USD $4 trillion –  including WBCSD members, EDF, Firmenich, Hitachi, IKEA, Microsoft, Natura […]

SOS 1.5: A new roadmap to action business commitments to deliver net-zero emissions

Today on World Environment Day, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) released its new climate action roadmap to help companies reach net-zero carbon emissions before 2050. Geneva, 5 June 2020: SOS 1.5: The road to a resilient, zero-carbon carbon future provides companies with a step-by-step framework and key actions to start and advance their journey to net-zero […]

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